The final review of BIOWYSE took place at EC REA. The team also brought their breadboard with them, to show case both the reviewers of the project but also to display at a REA public lecture on the same day. The final review meeting was very successful, with the general consensus that the project has concluded its works successfully. The team focused on presenting the test campaign results and discuss future opportunities for a fully qualified space system. The project team, together with representatives of EDEN ISS and TIME SCALE (2 other H2020 Space funding initiatives that deal with habitat management) gave public lectures on their main achievements. Of particular note, the applicability of the space research on terrestrial matters, something that all 3 projects highlighted.
The BIOWYSE team thus concluded 3 years of excellent collaboration between SMEs, Academia and large industry, on a H2020 SPACE project that produced the first integrated concept system for potable water management monitor, control and decontamination for space habitats. The team is now discussing the best strategy to bring the system on an actual spacecraft. Stay tuned and drink clean water!