Life Support Technologies: past, present and future workshop

The BIOWYSE project (http://biowyse.eu/ ), which is funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020 framework programme, in collaboration with the TIMESCALE (timescale.eu) and EDEN-ISS (https://eden-iss.net/ ) projects, organised a meeting on the topic of Life Support Technologies, both with Space and Terrestrial applications in mind. The meeting brought together several EC and ESA funded projects (space and non-space), dealing with technologies that are very relevant to space habitat management and life support systems. There were 56 participants, covering several areas of expertise that discussed past, ongoing and future initiatives in Life support technologies. 8 projects were presented, covering funding initiatives from EC/ESA (space habitat management), Future emerging Technologies (FET) and close to market initiatives (InnoEnergy).
Of specific interest, the presentation of Mr Mats Ljungqvist on the upcoming European Framework Programme and the role of Space within Horizon Europe and the presentation from Dr Christel Paille of the European Space Agency, on the ‘ESA harmonisation Roadmap’ and future LST initiatives of ESA.
The BIOWYSE project presented its main results and the BIOWYSE breadboard [picture] to the participants. An unplanned review took place considering the technical details of the breadboard, but happily the BIOWYSE system engineer, Guarnieri Vincenzo for TAS, was at hand to answer all questions.
The BIOWYSE team was happy to receive the participants and is looking forward for future collaborations.